2.2 Structure

You are here Control Panel > Design Manager > Edit Design.

Under the menu "Structure" you can insert different boxes - For Example: You can drag and drop the boxes from the left side into one of the 3 columns (Left, Content and Right), you can see this in action in the image below.

You can pull elements from the "Hidden" area in the left side into either the left or right column (You can’t drag boxes into the content column because it is where website data in displayed). If you would like to remove a box you can drag it back to the hidden column.

You are here Control Panel > Design Manager > Edit Design.

You can see an example of where the content goes (See Image Below).

Remember:* Colours and design of the boxes can be found in your design settings.*

Page Display Settings

For every box you drag in to the left or right column, you can change page display settings. You can access this menu by clicking on the pencil icon on one of the boxes you dragged into the left or right column (See Image Below).